Features to Look For in General Board Meeting Software

Board members can complete the majority of the governance process by using general software for board meetings. One feature you should look for is the ability http://boardmanagers.blog to record meetings, prepare detailed reports on voting and get eSignatures. Some portals also provide video conferencing that helps to keep meetings engaging for all stakeholders.

General board software must not only manage meetings, but also facilitate document sharing and collaboration. This will help boost the efficiency of directors as well as improve board engagement both of which are crucial aspects of good governance. It is vital to ensure the platform is able to support a variety of formats for files. This will help avoid the need for directors to manually forward emails with attachments or make multiple copies of the same files.

The software should also allow for the use of highlighters and annotation tools. They can be helpful in highlighting important sections of the documents and ensure that everyone at a meeting understands the topic being discussed. It is also important that participants can refer to specific passages in the documents to support their opinions or raise any issues. This can help to speed up the meeting by permitting attendees to use specific passages from the documents in question.

The software should have versions that are optimized for desktop mobile, tablet and desktop. This allows all board members to quickly access information and prepare for meetings regardless of the location they are in or what device is being used. Some solutions offer printer-friendly formats to those who prefer paper or can’t work with screens for long periods of time.

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